Monday, February 8, 2010

Preparation for the next steps in a sustainable lifestyle

Tomorrow I have two appointments. First, at 0900 is with someone who will help me orient myself towards entering an apprenticeship program in carpentry. The second is at 1400, and is with a lady who will help me orient myself towards a better state of health. She is an osteopath, and she can perhaps help me better understand the inbalances my body has sustained. The first one that is immediately obvious a la body sensations is an injury to my left shoulder blade area from over 5 years ago during a game of tackle football, sans equipment, when a 210 pound guy head butted my chest and drove me into the ground, falling with all his weight focused on the top of his head onto the heart area of my chest. The injury reappeared directly behind the area of contact in my back, behind my shoulder blade, once I started to do some consistent heavy lifting in farmwork. The other areas of inbalance are the muscles that surround my median nerve, from my neck down to my wrists, from repeated strain from work, as well as my middle back, from something or other. None of these are debilitating, but have me frequently stretching, which hasn't proved to be a fundamental solution. So I look forward to an educational day, a day of new beginnings.

My French is progressing, with a little help from my friends :)


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